Almost every one wants to earn a good amount of money doing easy work and using the computer or laptop. One of the best money making thinks now adays trending is blogging. If you understand how to use computer and deal with content you must be a good blogger. In this guide i will teach you how to start a blog to make money online just by publishing blogs.
Try to follow the instructions i am going to provide here.
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The essential first step to launch a successful blog is to know why and for whom you’re writing content. You might be thinking, “What do you mean who am I writing for? I’m writing for my potential customers!” That may be the case, but having the right target persona for your blog and products requires much more data and research. It’s not enough to just want to help your customers by providing content; you also need to know who your potential customers are and what pain-points and challenges they want to solve.
To figure this out, start with a buyer persona
a fictional, generalized representation of your ideal customer. They help you understand your customers (and prospective customers) better, and make it easier for you to tailor content to the specific needs, behaviors, and concerns of different groups. When it comes to blogging, having a buyer persona to target content helps you understand what kinds of content you should be writing to attract your target customers. What type of information do you need to collect in order to understand your buyer persona? Start with these free HubSpot buyer persona templates and this free guide to launching a content-first business.
In order to discover your buyer persona you need information on current customers and prospects. Here are some practical methods to get started:
Interview customers both in person or over the phone to discover what they like about your product or service, what their pain points are, and what kinds of content they’re looking for. Interview your sales team. They know your customers best, and are a great source of information about your buyer persona. Look through your contacts database to uncover trends about how certain leads or customers find and consume your content. Survey your contacts database and ask them key questions about their role, department, challenges, experience, etc.
Research outside forums related to your products and services. Capture important persona information on your contacts and lead forms on your website. (e.g., if all your personas vary based on company size, ask each lead for information about company size on your forms. You could also gather information on what forms of social media your leads use by asking a question about social media accounts) from your brand, which also helps keep people on your website. The whole point of blogging is to disseminate information, so make sure to use links that provide additional helpful content to your readers.
Once you know who your target audience is, it’s time to start generating a list of content ideas to post on your blog.
Start Building a Bank of Evergreen Content Ideas
Start Building a Bank of Evergreen Content Ideas You know who you’re writing for. Now the question is: How do you build and sustain a blog with content for that target audience? Where’s the best place to start? The answer: by building a list of evergreen content. Evergreen content is any content that stays relevant no matter what week, month, season, or year it is. It’s timeless, high-value, canonical pieces of content that will remain interesting to your audience no matter when they interact with it. Unlike timely or newsworthy pieces, which are also valuable content for you to consider on your blog, your evergreen content is where you should start your content brainstorming. It’s also what will help you rank for keywords and build authority with search engines over time. Now that you’ve done research on your buyer persona, it should be a lot easier to think about what evergreen content you should be writing — both at launch and as time goes on.